The San Jose Mercury News reports in the article Bay Area courts to be hit hard by state budget cuts that California courts will suffer $350 million in cuts this year which is why at Ainer & Fraker, LLP we tell our clients you should Avoid Probate at All Cost.
California’s courts have long suffered from budget shortfalls, and this year and next year will be especially harsh.
California Probate Courts will suffer as well, as staff and hours are cut back to deal with State Budget Cuts.
In addition, some courts may consider closing on certain days, and other courts may close satellite locations.
All of these cutbacks add to the Bureaucratic Nightmare that is Probate, and slow down the already Lengthy Probate Process.
This is why at Ainer & Fraker we tell our clients you should Avoid Probate whenever possible.
Read the full article at the Mercury News.